Certificates and awards

The high quality of our services has been confirmed by many completed contracts for well-known domestic and foreign clients, as well as the certificates we have received

in connection with the quality management system (ISO 9001), environmental management system (ISO 14001) and occupational health and safety management system (OHSAS 18001).

Certificate confirming compliance of the Quality Management System with ISO 9001:2015
Certificate confirming compliance of the Environmental Management System with ISO 14001:2015
Certificate confirming compliance with the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System (HACCP)
Grupa Transportowa won the title of Business Gazelle – an award for well-managed and fair companies known for their good financial situation. We were ranked 1st in the Łódź region.
Grupa Transportowa again won the title of Business Gazelle – an award for well-managed and fair companies known for their good financial situation. We went up almost 30 positions in the national ranking.
Third year in a row, Grupa Transportowa won the prestigious title of Business Gazelle – an award for well-managed and fair companies known for their good financial situation. Once again, we were in the forefront of companies in Poland.
Fourth year in a row, Grupa Transportowa won the prestigious title of Business Gazelle – an award for well-managed and fair companies known for their good financial situation. Once again, we were promoted in the national ranking.
For another year, our company belongs to the elite Business Gazelle club among the most dynamically developing companies.
Grupa Transportowa was recognised for the scale of its activities and the fast development of its business.
The certificate is awarded to organisations guided by such values as well-being, respect, honesty, and loyalty.
Forbes Diamond for Transport Group for dynamic business development. We took 2nd place in the Łódź Voivodeship.
Forbes Diamond for Grupa Transportowa. We have been promoted to the category of “Companies with revenues of PLN 50 to 250 million”, in which we were ranked 4th.
Forbes Diamond again for Grupa Transportowa. We took 2nd place in Łódź Voivodeship and 27th on the national list in the category "Companies with revenues of PLN 50 to 250 million".
The TCC certificate confirming European quality, safety and solvency standards is granted only to the best carriers on the market.
The TCF certificate confirming European quality, safety and solvency standards is granted only to the best forwarding companies on the market.
The Creditreform Credibility Certificate proves our company's high financial liquidity.
The Internal Control System Certificate confirms that our organization meets high requirements in the field of trade in goods of strategic importance.
Document confirming affiliation to PIFFA – Polish International Freight Forwarders Association.
Certificate confirming the affiliation of GT AIR & OCEAN for the WCA WORLD AGENT NETWORK.
GMP+ certificate enabling road transport of feed.
Certificate confirming that we have implemented and applies procedures in compliance with the requirements of: Good Distribution Practice.
GT AIR&OCEAN is a certified agent of the CASS programme, of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). This guarantees access to all airline operators worldwide.
GT Air&Ocean is certified by the Federal Maritime Commission for the NVOCC sea freight forwarding execution procedure. This is the most important licence in maritime transport awarded to reliable and honest carriers providing services worldwide.
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The Personal Data Administrator is Grupa Transportowa Sp. z o.o.,
based at: 97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski, ul. Łódzka 30AB, Poland, registered by: DISTRICT COURT FOR ŁÓDŹ,
20TH COMMERCIAL DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL COURT REGISTER under no.: 0000367098, NIP (Tax ID): 7712852200, REGON: 100967325
Tel: +48 783 55 55 20, +48 44 646 57 20
Inspector for Personal Data Protection, Email: rodo@grupatransportowa.pl

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