Experts on the Use of AI in Freight Forwarding

We participated in the recurring conference "Private Meetings: Mastermind," organized by the platform, with whom we have been collaborating for many years.

During the event, we hosted an exclusive discussion panel, moderated by our IT Strategy Director, Rafał Łuczak. He invited renowned experts to the conversation, including Daniel Tochwin, Operating Department Manager at Danone, Sebastian Wróbel, CEO of FreightTech, and Dr. Eng. Mateusz Zając from Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

The panel's topic focused on the application and utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-based systems in freight forwarding.

During the discussion, we asked the panelists about:

  • Their experiences in implementing AI-based solutions,
  • The challenges faced by companies trying to integrate AI into their operational structures,
  • The directions of AI development and the emerging new technologies associated with it.

Private Meetings: Mastermind is a conference series for the TSL industry that brings together specialists, experts, and scientists. The goal is to create a space for the free exchange of experiences and opinions on the use of new technologies in the supply chain.